Friday, March 7, 2008

Tumescent Liposuction Explained (Liposuction CT)

Liposuction CT
Tumescent liposuction is a newer form of liposuction. It was developed to make liposuction more comfortable for the patient and to reduce the risks associated with the procedure. It is a good alternative to consider over traditional liposuction. The best candidates for any type of liposuction are people who have tried other means to get rid of the fat and have not been able to produce the desired results.

Liposuction of any kind is done to remove fat from the body. He is not to replace diet and exercise as a way to lose weight. Liposuction is rather a means of sculpting the body to reduce excess fat in the areas of nutrition and exercise, which have failed to produce results.

Tumescent liposuction is a tumescent solution injected into the fat removed. This liquid companies, which enables the fat liposuction cannula to move more smoothly under the skin to suction the fat.

Due to the fact that the needle can easily move, the pain, blood loss and bruising after tumescent liposuction is significantly less than traditional liposuction.

The risks associated with tumescent liposuction, nor the typical risks associated with any surgery. There is a risk of excessive blood loss, infection and scarring. Overall, however, the tumescent method works reduce these risks over traditional liposuction.

An additional risk was with tumescent liposuction, which is not typically associated with traditional liposuction. With tumescent liposuction is an increased risk of fluid in the lungs. This is due to the injection of the fluid dynamic. If a liquid is introduced into the body, the risk for the development of fluid in the lungs. But this risk can be minimalized by electing a certified and experienced plastic surgeon.

The best candidate for tumescent liposuction ct would be someone who is entitled to traditional liposuction. Tumescent liposuction is particularly suitable for someone who wants or specific sculpture, large areas of fat removed.

Tumescent liposuction has very good results. The recovery time is only about three weeks. The results can be almost immediately due to the limited swelling and bruising that occurs. IN fact, swelling with tumescent liposuction usually only two days.

Tumescent liposuction is an excellent choice for anyone interested, excess fat removed from her body. Traditional liposuction, carries a high risk of overcapacity blood loss and bruises afterwards. Tumescent liposuction really cuts down those risks and allows for a speedy recovery and quick results.

Article Source: Liposuction CT

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What You Should Know on Liposuction Techniques (Liposuction CT)

Liposuction CT surgery is the most commonly performed cosmetic surgery in the World. More than a quarter of a million liposuctions were performed in 2005.

Many things have changed after liposuction was first introduced in 1974 and this kind of operation is becoming increasingly popular, as the skills of the surgeons and the different techniques are improving throughout decades.

Choices, options and results may vary after liposuction surgery. Doctors should ensure that those who are overweight and prospects for the treatment liposuction liposuction understand that not "magic". Liposuction is usually very effective in shaping the body in fat-risk areas such as the buttocks, breasts, hips, stomach, chin, cheeks, neck and arms. According to the American Association of Plastic Surgeons (AAPS), liposuction is most effective, "normal-weight people with businesses, elastic skin, the pockets of excess fat in certain areas."

Liposuction surgery can be used in hospitals, in which the surgeon office, and others in an outpatient surgery center. Larger liposuction surgery in a hospital, and may require a day or so of hospital stay for observation and recovery. For reasons of cost and convenience, many smaller operations are liposuction, the surgical theatre outside on an outpatient basis. Basic liposuction techniques, namely chemical liposuction, wet-technology, super-wet technique and Tumescent liposuction.

Traditional chemical or liposuction is generally considered as the first liposuction technique. It comes from the procedures of the lipectomy, a suction capacity of tissues with a standard needle. The operation takes place without the use of external fluid. It consists of putting high negative pressure on the tissue and sucking the fat from the body. The bad effects of the dry liposuction techniques are major blood loss, necrosis, nerve damage and trauma to the tissues.

Tumescent fluid is in the second type of liposuction technique that is the wet technique. The operation is carried out by the injection of tumescent liquid (eg, saline solution, adrenaline) in the tissues fattened. Unlike Tumescent technique, this method with the injection of tumescent solution less than the amount of the fat.

The third liposuction technique is very similar to the wet-technology, and this is the reason why it is called super-wet technique. The fluid dynamic amount is the same as the amount of fat removed after the injection.

The dermatologist Dr. Jeffry Klein first used tumescent liposuction several years ago. Liposuction provides detailed information on Liposuction. Liposuction CT

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Risks Of Liposuction (Liposuction CT)

Liposuction CT
Like every other surgical procedure liposuction is also having some risks and complications.Before the operation you should find all the information about liposuction procedure,risks and complications.It is very important to discuss your expectations with your surgeon.Most of the people are satisfied with the result of the surgery and some are not.Everything depends on the expectations of a person.Following you can read some complications of liposuction.

  • Like all other operations Liposuction is also the danger of infections.For prevention of post-operative infections, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Sometimes loosened fat enters ruptured vessels and this can cause embolism.
  • Cannula,a metallic tube which is used in liposuction can cause some damage to internal organs.
  • Some people feel altered sensation at the surgical site this condition is also known as paresthesia.
  • Swelling and edema may appear after the procedure.
  • Some cases of skin infections and necrosis are also seen after the liposuction procedure.
  • Ultrasound assisted liposuction technique can cause burns in some people.
  • Drugs which are used in anesthesia can also cause toxicity.

If you are a person with stable health, and not with the history of any serious illnesses, then you are the ideal candidate surgery.If someone is smoking and needs excessive fat removal from the body, then he is not a proper candidate for liposuction .

If you do not have enough money for liposuction, and you can see some alternatives such as regular exercise, proper nutrition and nutrient-rich water consumption.

Article Source : Liposuction CT